Virgin Golfers or how to become a beginner at golf di Marjorie Nicholson-Cross edito da
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Virgin Golfers or how to become a beginner at golf






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Descrizione Virgin Golfers or how to become a beginner at golf

How does a woman (or anyone for that matter) start to play golf? Is it expensive? Where do you learn? Who can teach you? What equipment is really needed? VIRGIN GOLFERS answers all of these questions as it follows the progress of a group of ladies new to the game, relates their trials and triumphs, frustration and elation, and the friendships that emerge through the shared experience of trying to persuade that little white ball to go where you want it to go. It does not tell you how to play but rather how to set about learning to play, how to seek out like-minded ladies, and dispels the myths and mystique that for so long have served to create an aura of elitism and even inaccessibility, and provides fascinating facts on the female contribution to the game from Mary, Queen of Scots through to Issette Pearson who pioneered the development of the handicap system that is used throughout the game today.

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