Viking law di Erwin Verweij edito da
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Viking law

The new old way to victory






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Descrizione Viking law

Were the Vikings right? Was the import of their legislation, the first in western europe to be recorded, the step in the right direction? Was the move from bloodshed and robbery to trade and cooperation the correct path? History shows that the vikings slowly disappeared but their influence remained. To this day, the traces of their culture is still noticeable in art and architecture. But as humans we lost it. The tough thinking. The daring. The go getter mentality. We deal with uncertainty almost every day. What is still allowed and what is not allowed. Entrepreneurship and responsibility are important aspects. Change and especially innovation is the new way of thinking. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to give that old legislation a new chance of life. To bring back the primal thinking and mix it with our current way of working. We can use new targets we may plunder and rob in order to attain them. You may be a viking. "This book is an important contribution to revitalising Agile before it becomes moribund. I commend it to you" Dave Snowden Founder & Chief Scientific Officer The Cynefin Co

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