Verse of Life di Joel David Kilgore edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Verse of Life





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Descrizione Verse of Life

Life is poetic and poetry is life. Poetry can touch the weary soul, inspire, teach, entertain, and heal emotional scars. The gift of poetry transcends understanding and takes the reader and the writer to new worlds. Every poet has a unique brand and theme which identifies the poet's style. Usually, a poet's prose identifies what style of the poetry the poet writes. God has blessed this author with a gift that bears no certain theme nor style. Instead, poetry is universal and reaches the masses. Within the verses of this book are questions and answers defining praise, worship, life, humanity, and God. Without God, there is no life, without life, there is no poetry. The verses within "Verse of Life" lead the reader on a spiritual journey which edifies God and raptures the soul. God 's spirit is the true author and the writer is merely a vessel to place the verses to page. Joel has been writing poetry for over four decades. His poetry, as he claims, is from a gift of God that transcends and binds any recipients to God. He feels that he is merely a vessel and not the true author of verse. Though told from many that he is talented, he claims to not have any poetry talent, but all the poetry derives from a spiritual gift. It is this gift that he wishes to share with the world.

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