The Versaggi Brothers: Indigo Children Are Here di Vania Vlashka edito da OUTSKIRTS PR
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The Versaggi Brothers: Indigo Children Are Here

Indigo Children Are Here







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Descrizione The Versaggi Brothers: Indigo Children Are Here

Psychologists, scientists, and writers alike proclaim, ¿The Indigo children are here!¿ The author of ¿The Versaggi Brothers¿, Vania Vlashka, has worked with them for many years. This book is a fascinating narrative of true stories happening to real children. The twins, Kaleb and Nathan, and their older ¿gurü, Lukas, are the Versaggi brothers. Join them in their incredible journey through the Indigo world to understand why their universe is so different but perhaps superior to ours. You will discover how to prepare soup with¿chocolate, what a real baseball should look like, why the garbage truck has a delicate palate, what are the mysterious secrets of the Cicada, why we did not take off ¿tomorrow afternoon¿, what exactly are the lessons of Leo the tomcat and much more. Children simply radiate love and desperately seek ours. It is only through this unconditional love that our world and theirs can converge. Open your mind, heart, and soul to accept the differences of our Indigo children and hopefully learn from them! About the author Born in Bulgaria, Vania Vlashka is an established author and international sports journalist with nearly thirty years of experience. Her published book ¿The Temple of the Champions¿ (Bulgaria, 2002), can be found in the Library of Congress, Washington D.C. A member of the AIPS (International Sports Press Association) for fifteen years, she has served as a special correspondent for one of the most highly respected daily newspapers ¿Trud¿ (Bulgaria), and as such has covered the summer Olympic games in Barcelona (Spain,1992), winter Olympic games in Lillehammer (Norway, 1994), and many other World and European championships. Since moving to Chicago in 2002, Vania Vlashka has found a new passion in working with children. She considers herself "an undercover correspondent¿, and the debut of her new children's book ¿The Versaggi Brothers¿ is a definitive proof of the old adage: once a journalist is always a journalist.

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