Verne's Pool di Michael Hart edito da AuthorHouse
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Verne's Pool







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Descrizione Verne's Pool

When former FBI Agent Rick Cheatham's best friend dies under mysterious circumstances while fishing at his favorite fishing hole, Verne's Pool, authorities rule the death accidental. Perplexed with what has transpired when his friend's house is later burglarized, Cheatham initiates his own investigation into the incidents. What he does not expect is where his inquiry will lead him. From the peaceful waters of Tims Ford Lake in Middle Tennessee, he finds that the trail of events leading to his friend's death span a period of time dating back to the fall of the German Third Reich in World War II. Beneath the lake lies a secret that could change the course of history and our American way of life, and there is one organization that will stop at nothing to ensure that secret is never discovered. With the help of his dead friend's son (a former army special operations officer) and the son's select team of ex-army rangers, Cheatham must stop that organization's activities before they stop him. VERNE'S POOL is a mystery story that comes to life in one of the most scenic spots in Middle Tennessee. As the plot unfolds, the reader is taken on an exciting and emotional roller coaster ride. You will step into the shoes of the characters and share their emotions, which range from sadness to laugher, fear to surprise, and love to hate. The ride ends in a surprising turn of events that will keep you wondering for days on end, Was this a work of fiction or did these events actually take place?

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