In Vengeance Will Kill: Second Generation: Tamburo di Claire Fenlon-Booth edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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In Vengeance Will Kill: Second Generation: Tamburo

Second Generation: Tamburo







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Descrizione In Vengeance Will Kill: Second Generation: Tamburo

This is a story about a young Sicilian, who is grandson to the "Capo-dei-capi" (head of head's) to all the Sicilian crime bosses. Benetto Castellrosa Tamburo is his name, and after an upbringing by his grandfather in Sicily, he returns to America in order to follow in his grandfather's footsteps. He's a genius and also a tyrant; making his grandfather proud of him, but then he meets a young Romany Gypsy girl by the name of Mariannina Malanga in the strangest of ways. It is from that point that Benetto embarks on a series of life changing events. Not only does this girl start bringing him from the bitter, evil shell he'd encased himself in; she also brings to light nothing but trouble and adversity. He comes to loggerheads with his grandfather in the worst possible way and aside of this, it also puts Benetto's family to war with another Sicilian mafia family that dominates New York, after sparking a feud that has been going on for long before Benetto was even born. However, unlike any normal, predictable mafia story, this one has a more spiritual side. It's amazing how powerful a Gypsy curse can be when it comes to fighting this war between the families, and as cynical as Benetto is, he is forced to see past his own arrogance; to a world of magic he just cannot explain without admitting to himself that unseen powers do exist beyond even his control. A gripping tale of vengeance, murder, rape, blackmail and magic...the second in a series of four enjoyable books.

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