Vampires di Eric DeVries edito da Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC
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Descrizione Vampires

In the year 1250, a farmer named Alistair and his family are attacked by a vampire. Everyone dies except for Alistair, who has been turned into a vampire. His search is on for the beast who destroyed his beloved family. Fast forward to 2012, when a rock band of vampires formed by Alistair is touring America, killing as they go. As they perform across the USA, they feed on humans at an alarming rate. Their mistakes pile up when the FBI discovers the bodies, and when some band members fall in love with humans. Alistair has come to terms of eternal life, the evil within him, learning to embrace it and now seeks another to spend his life with but not just anyone, he is searching for one that will once again make him feel like he did when he was human. He was looking for a special girl who can bring some humanity back into his life. He wanted a replacement for his lost wife, she had long flowing blonde hair with blue eyes that would melt a man's heart within a heartbeat, such as she did with Alistair all those centuries back. She was the talk of the village, every man wanted her, but it was Alistair she chose. They built their little home and planted crops living day by day as everyone did back then, but they managed until that faithful dark night.

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