The Value of Science in the Smithy and Forge di William Hutton Cathcart edito da Read Books
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The Value of Science in the Smithy and Forge


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Descrizione The Value of Science in the Smithy and Forge

This vintage book contains a detailed treatise on the value of science in the workshop. Originally the outcome of a lecture delivered at a meeting of the Associated Foremen Smiths of Scotland, it was designed to interest members in the scientific training of smiths and forgers. Much of the information within this volume is timeless and will be of value to modern readers with an interest in blacksmithing and metal work. Contents include: "Calculations for Forgings", "Strength of Materials", "Development of Surfaces", "Practical Geometry-Mechanical Drawing", "Practical Mechanics-Heat", "Metallography", "Heat Treatment of Iron and Steel", "The Chemistry of Welding", "Case-Hardening", and "Conclusion". Many vintage books such as this are increasingly scarce and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, modern edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on metal work. First published in 1916.

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