Value Averaging di Michael E. Edleson edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Value Averaging

The Safe And Easy Strategy For Higher Investment Returns





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Praise for Value Averaging "Dollar cost averaging is making a comeback, and Mike Edleson's value averaging approach is dollar cost averaging on steroids. A must-read for serious investors willing to adhere to the principles found in these pages." --William G. Christie, Frances Hampton Currey Professor of Finance and Professor of Law, Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University "Dr. Edleson's book is truly a classic that needs to be perpetuated. I have spent a significant chunk of my career trying to debunk value averaging, but with no success. I'm a believer!" --Paul S. Marshall, PhD, Professor of Finance, Widener University From the First Edition "Today's best way to invest." --Money magazine "Value averaging takes dollar cost averaging one step further. Besides buying low, you sell shares when the markets soar." --The New York Times Michael Edleson first introduced his concept of value averaging to the world in an article written in 1988. To satisfy investor interest, he wrote a book entitled Value Averaging, which further detailed this method. Following the publication of the last edition of this highly sought-after book in 1993, it has been nearly impossible to find--until now. With the reintroduction of Value Averaging, you now have access to Edleson's original work on a strategy that can help you accumulate wealth, increase your investment returns, and achieve your financial goals.

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