Usted Se Enoja Porque Quiere di Dr Tim LaHaye, Bob Phillips edito da Vida Publishers
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Usted Se Enoja Porque Quiere





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Descrizione Usted Se Enoja Porque Quiere

Anger is everybody's problem, but it need not be yours. In reality, it is a problem when we don't know where it is coming from, how to handle it, and what we can do with it. We need to control it or else it will control us. The decision is ours. The authors mention that we need to control our outbursts of anger. They examine the process from beginning to end, and they help us to evaluate our own 'Quotient of Irritability' with practical exercises. Learn how to confront anger and conflicts. You will learn how to heal old relationships and help others control their anger. This book will help you have a peaceful, happier life. When you see your life from these author's perspective you will discover that 'Anger is a Choice'.

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