Use of Language by Eugene Ionesco in His Works "the Chairs" and "the Bald Soprano" di Danish Suleman edito da Grin Verlag
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Use of Language by Eugene Ionesco in His Works "the Chairs" and "the Bald Soprano"


Grin Verlag





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Descrizione Use of Language by Eugene Ionesco in His Works "the Chairs" and "the Bald Soprano"

Essay from the year 2016 in the subject Didactics - English - Literature, Works, , language: English, abstract: This paper deals with the language used by one of the most famous modern writers EUGENE IONESCO (1909-1994), in his plays, The Chairs and The Bald Soprano. Ionesco is the writer whose sense of literature is incorporated with the experiences he gained from his life and the observations that he made in society and people around him. The usage of language in his works we can say, to some extent, is quite similar to other modern writers who motivated their thoughts and writing skills to write in an absurd manner and portray the extreme level of absurdity of humans and worlds in their works. But as every writer is having their own way of flourishing their works, through plot, character, dialogues and scenes and so on, Ionesco too had his way of presenting the levels of absurdity in the society. His technique was ¿Language¿. He is often called a Man of Anti-Theatre, because of his presentation of language as an impossible means of communication. The paper will present these points briefly and will focus on the two above mentioned texts in detail.

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