The Usage of Static & Dynamic Modals in calculating STOIIP di Ahmed Abdallganie, Osama Alkarouri, Osama Abuzaid edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Usage of Static & Dynamic Modals in calculating STOIIP

A Computer assisted approach





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Descrizione The Usage of Static & Dynamic Modals in calculating STOIIP

The material balance equation (MBE) is one of the several methods used for estimating reserves for oil and gas reservoirs and thus allows for the making of critical decisions concerning depletion plans and development strategies regarding the reservoir. In this Study, the importance of this tool was considered, this study includes construction a computer program which uses some of the applications of the material balance . The Other section of this research is conducting a case study for a Sudanese oil field to estimate the initial oil in place using an Excel® Sheet. However the Estimated STOIIP doesn't represent the exact value because of some uncertainties in the production , pressure ,and some reservoir petrophysical data. The understanding of uncertainties involved in reservoir modeling is an essential tool to support decisions in the petroleum industry. In latest years the use of the application of material balance equation decreased due to the presence of the numerical reservoir simulation Tools.

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