The Usage of Diminutive Word Forms in English Language di Jelena Balashova edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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The Usage of Diminutive Word Forms in English Language

The Role of Affixes in Forming Diminutive Word Mode in English Language





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Descrizione The Usage of Diminutive Word Forms in English Language

The purpose of my book was to find the importance of diminutive word forms in English Language, how often those forms are used and if they help people to express themselves better with the help of such words. Also, the book was guided on the survey, which helped to find out if the words are being changed in its meaning in order to give more intention to the word or the whole sentence even. In my book there are, also, different methods implemented on how it is possible to change the word structure or a part of a speech. The survey according to my book, helped to find out if a diminutive word is a common aspect in everyday life, what are the suffixes which mostly met to form the lessening form of a word. I hope my book helps to discover something new for those who are interested in word formation: teachers, students, people who adore English language.

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