Upper Hand: A Cedar Tree Novel di Freya Barker edito da EVERAFTER ROMANCE
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Upper Hand: A Cedar Tree Novel

A Cedar Tree Novel

Cedar Tree




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Descrizione Upper Hand: A Cedar Tree Novel

More often than not, Clint Mason has his foot firmly wedged in his mouth, which tends to get him in plenty of hot water with the ladies. Although his laid back good ole¿ Southern charm does not fly far with the female population of Cedar Tree, the big burly contractor hides his dark side well. The only one Beth Franklin allows herself to rely on is Beth, and so far that has served her well. Just when her son disappears after dropping his little guy off on her doorstep, her life seems to spiral out of control. For the first time ever, fearing for his safety, the fiercely independent waitress is forced to be on the receiving end of a helping hand. That¿s not easy for her, especially since the shovel-sized hand belongs to a man whose approach has run hot and cold the last year, leaving her feeling off balance. With a steady and commanding force, he exposes her softer side, while doing everything he can to keep her and those close to her safe.

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