Up Yours!: The Pursuit of Radical Self-care di Mark Butler edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Up Yours!: The Pursuit of Radical Self-care

The Pursuit of Radical Self-care





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Descrizione Up Yours!: The Pursuit of Radical Self-care

You don't need another self-help book full of pious finger-wagging. Life is tough enough without someone bright and shiny piling on the guilt. But if you're in a post-pandemic slump, bordering on burnout and wondering why you should even bother, Up Yours! is the book for you. Radical self-care crosses every aspect of life. It's mind, body and spirit - at work and home. The smallest change can make the biggest difference if you know why you're making it. Pursuing sustainable peak performance through a better, healthier and happier life involves self-awareness and self-compassion, far more than the usual suspects of sleep, diet and exercise. Up Yours! is packed with valuable information. It's a radical recharge if you've been running on empty for too long. There are no quick fixes or glib promises of overnight transformations here. Mark Butler won't nag you to eat your vegetables or implore you to hit the gym six days a week. Instead, he offers a clear, thoughtful understanding of what ails us and why we need to change. Mark writes as an experienced professional who has seen it all and lived much of it.

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