Up from the Ashes di Jennifer L. Disney edito da iUniverse
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Up from the Ashes

A Handbook for Healing







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Descrizione Up from the Ashes

"Jennifer writes in a way that invites you on her journey of healing. With great depth and insight she encourages others to step onto the path of healing. The book will be a useful tool for those who want a deeper walk with the Lord." -Linda Cochrane, author of Forgiven and Set Free When twenty-something Jennifer Disney discovered she was pregnant, she didn't feel overjoyed. Instead, guilt and shame nearly paralyzed her with fear. With a bright future ahead, she convinced herself that abortion was the only answer. On that fateful day, she made the decision to abort the baby, a choice that would forever change her life. Up from the Ashes tells Jennifer's remarkable true story of courage, faith, and healing from the devastating emotional and spiritual effects of her abortion. With refreshing candor, she shares her uphill battle of how she struggled to find relief from the constant emotional pain from her choice, and how this very struggle inspired her to reach out to others affected by post-abortion trauma. Divided into easy-to-read sections with a uniquely Biblical perspective, this part-guide, part-memoir delves into the most difficult issues surrounding abortion and offers help and hope to women in need of both. Jennifer's compassionate words accompany blank journal pages that encourage reflection and participation for sufferers, and create a safe, loving environment for recovery. For those lost in post-abortion trauma, Up from the Ashes offers the promise of hope and healing, and reveals the true power of faith and forgiveness.

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