Untitled Kaveri And Ramu Mysteries 2 di HARINI NAGENDRA edito da Little Brown Paperbacks (a&c)
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Untitled Kaveri And Ramu Mysteries 2

A 1920s Bangalore Mystery





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Descrizione Untitled Kaveri And Ramu Mysteries 2

When new bride Kaveri Murthy reluctantly agrees to investigate a minor crime during the blood moon eclipse to please her domineering mother-in-law, she doesn't expect to stumble upon a murder - again. With anti-British sentiments on the rise, a charismatic religious leader growing in influence, and the fight for women's suffrage gaining steam, Bangalore is turning out to be a far more dangerous place than Kaveri ever imagined, and everyone's motives are suspect.Together with the Bangalore Detectives Club - a mixed bag of people including street urchins, nosy neighbours, an ex-prostitute and a policeman's wife - Kaveri once again sleuths in her sari and hunts for clues in her beloved 1920s Ford.But when Kaveri's life is suddenly put in danger, she realizes that she might be getting uncomfortably close to the truth. So she must now draw on her wits and find the killer -- before they find her...

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