The Unstoppable Artist di Barbara L McCulloch edito da Archway Publishing
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The Unstoppable Artist

Discovering The Artist Inside Yourself





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Descrizione The Unstoppable Artist

Can you imagine feeling the joy of being a creative artist and exploring new ideas courageously? Would you appreciate the peace of knowing you are truly on the right path by creating colorful art so powerful that viewers crave it? Can you imagine feeling your spiritual connection and knowing your art has an important purpose? In The Unstoppable Artist, author Barbara L. McCulloch guides you through step-by-step projects to empower you on your journey as an inspired, creative artist. Part one helps ignite your deepest passion and opens the door to growth through inspirational stories, exploring possibilities, releasing creative blocks, and projects to discover your higher purpose and empower your artistic journey. Part two gives you an experience of creating unique art. It offers projects designed to guide you forward with confidence to develop drawing and painting skills, design strong engaging art, master color schemes to create a powerful mood, and explore techniques to develop your personal creative expression. Through the contributions of ten artists, The Unstoppable Artist shows eight discovery projects, forty-seven skills projects, nineteen study examples, and forty-one illustrations to transform you from stuck to unstoppable, from dreaming to doing, and from craving to creating.

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