Unsinkable Lucile: How a Farm Girl Became the Queen of Fashion and Survived the Titanic di Hugh Brewster edito da FIREFLY BOOKS LTD
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Unsinkable Lucile: How a Farm Girl Became the Queen of Fashion and Survived the Titanic

How A Farm Girl Became The Queen Of Fashion And Survived The Titanic

McGaw, Laurie




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Descrizione Unsinkable Lucile: How a Farm Girl Became the Queen of Fashion and Survived the Titanic

"She was one of the world's most glamorous women and the most famous fashionista of the Edwardian age. Yet, couturiere Lucile, Lady Duff Gordon was born as just plain Lucy Sutherland and grew up in a stone farmhouse in Ontario, Canada. How she went from a backwoods farm to presiding over an international fashion empire is a remarkable story of unshakeable determination and female achievement at a time when it was thought that a woman's place was in the home. Unsinkable Lucile is a lavishly illustrated story of Lucile's lively childhood, her rise to the top of the fashion world and her survival of the Titanic disaster and its aftermath, during which she was unjustly vilified. Time and time again, she proved that nothing could sink her spirits or stop her drive to innovate and create"--

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