Unscrooged di W. Roy Weber edito da iUniverse
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Descrizione Unscrooged

Ebenezer Scrooge is seated snuggly in his fireside chair when he once again receives a visit from the spirit of his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley. Just weeks earlier, Ebenezer made a choice that changed his heart and life forever. Unfortunately, Jacob was not granted the same option. It seems he is doomed to wander the earth as a witness to its misery, but without the power to intervene in its healing. Now Jacob has been granted a chance for a new beginning, but first, it is up to Ebenezer to find and transform the heart of one earthly soul before midnight on Christmas Eve-or Jacob's newfound power will be lost forever. As Ebenezer engages himself in thinking about everyone else but himself, he soon realizes that money is beginning to lose its grip on him and instead is becoming a tool to serve the needs of others. As Jacob's chain of guilt becomes shorter, Ebenezer begins to live a life of purpose. Unscrooged is the poignant tale of restored love, forgiveness, and grace, and one man's quest to revolutionize the hearts and minds of both the young and the old-before it is too late.

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