Unplug Your Mind! di Ivonne Delaflor Alexander, Sylvia Dokter edito da iUniverse
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Unplug Your Mind!

Messages from the Ascended Masters







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Descrizione Unplug Your Mind!

In August of 2012, during the period where planetary and human changes were taking place, author Sylvia Dokter received a special request from Sri Babaji Nagaraj, an ascended master. He asked her to work with her friend, mentor, and business partner, Ivonne Delaflor Alexander, to create a book that could be shared with humanity in order to facilitate a global awakening. Unplug Your Mind is the final product of the messages received by telepathic transmission and recorded by Delaflor Alexander from such masters as Jesus, Lord Maitreya, Hermes, Mary Magdalene, and many more ascended gestalts of consciousness. Dokter also provides commentary and explanations of her own experience of walking through the sacred messages. These messages-exposing secrets of hidden societies, governmental organizations, and those of the powerful elite-communicate clear recommendations and suggestions for how to unplug from this fifteen-dimensional time matrix system, where the mindset of humanity has been controlled for thousands of years through cultural and religious indoctrination.

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