Unlocking the Secrets of Sorcery di Clovencrow edito da Nephilim Press
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Unlocking the Secrets of Sorcery





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Descrizione Unlocking the Secrets of Sorcery

This is a book about magick. Not fantasy magic, not stage magic, but the kind of magick that can be easily learned and practiced by anyone who wants quantifiable results. This book is different from most books professing to teach actual magickal techniques. The result of over thirty years of research, study, and teaching, it has allowed me to define and refine a set of lessons and information on not only magick, but all manner of occult related subjects. All combining to create something that is more powerful, more authentic, and more understandable that what is currently known as Occult Magick. When I first began studying magick, my goal was not only to understand what makes magick work, but why it works the way that it does. This led me to many sources of information that I have discovered to be important and I have included them within, and have provided hints, and guidance as to how to use them in your own independent research and uncover new secrets yourself.

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