United States - Venezuela Relations edito da Betascript Publishing

United States - Venezuela Relations





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Descrizione United States - Venezuela Relations

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. United States - Venezuela relations have traditionally been close, characterized by an important trade and investment relationship and cooperation in combating the production and transit of illegal drugs. Relations were strong when Rafael Caldera was in power, due to cheap oil prices, however after the election of Presidents Hugo Ch vez of Venezuela and George W. Bush of the United States and particularly after the Venezuelan failed coup attempt in 2002 against Chavez, and the raising of oil prices by Chavez to improve social situations inside Venezuela have increased tensions between the countries, reaching a low in September 2008 when Venezuela broke off diplomatic relations with the US. Relations showed signs of improvement in 2009 with the election of the new US President Barack Obama, including the re-establishment of diplomatic relations in June 2009.

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€ 50.10

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