United States House of Representatives Elections, 1848 edito da Betascript Publishing

United States House of Representatives Elections, 1848





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Descrizione United States House of Representatives Elections, 1848

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Elections to the United States House of Representatives were held in 1848.The Democrats gained three seats, regaining the majority they had lost to the Whigs just two years earlier in the election of 1846.The Mexican-American War, which ended with an American victory several months before the election, was a big factor in the election. Zachary Taylor, a general in the war, was elected president as a Whig, but the Democrats, who instigated the war, were rewarded for their victory by regaining their House majority. The fiercely abolitionist Free Soil Party was a huge spoiler in this election, earning 9 seats in districts that generally supported Whig politicians

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