United States History Cookbook di D'Amico, Drummond edito da John Wiley & Sons
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United States History Cookbook

Delicious Recipes And Exciting Events From The Past





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Descrizione United States History Cookbook

Serve up a heaping lesson of history with delicious recipes from our nation's past-- from the pilgrims' first feast to today's high-tech, low-fat fare Who knew history could be so delicious? In The U.S. History Cookbook, you'll discover how Americans have lived and dined over the centuries. This scrumptious survey of periods and events in U.S. history mixes together a delectable batter of food timelines, kid-friendly recipes, and fun food facts throughout each chapter, including such fascinating tidbits as: Sunday was baked bean day in many colonial family homes; pioneers took advantage of the rough trails to churn milk into butter; the Girl Scouts first started selling cookies in the 1930s to save money for summer camp; and so much more!

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