United States Eighth Fleet edito da Betascript Publishing

United States Eighth Fleet





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Descrizione United States Eighth Fleet

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. The United States Eighth Fleet was a fleet of the U.S. Navy established 15 March 1943 from Northwest African Force. It operated in the Mediterranean Sea during World War II with a main mission of amphibious warfare, and then was active in 1946-47 as the heavy striking arm of the United States Atlantic Fleet.In 1941 the forces that eventually evolved into the Eighth Fleet were designated Amphibious Forces, Atlantic Fleet, under the command of Admiral H. Kent Hewitt, who took command in April 1942. This force, also called Task Force 34, became the U.S. component of the Operation Torch landings in November 1942. The force was then renamed U.S. Naval Forces, Northwest Africa Waters or COMNAVNAW. Later the command was changed to NavMed with the commander being designated as ComNavMed.

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