United States Ambassador to Namibia edito da Betascript Publishing

United States Ambassador to Namibia





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Descrizione United States Ambassador to Namibia

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The United States Ambassador to Namibia is the representative of the government of the United States in Namibia.The position was created the day Namibia became independent, which was also the day that Namibia-United States relations were established. On that same day, he inaugurated the U.S. Embassy in Windhoek in recognition of the establishment of diplomatic relations.The U.S. Liaison Office in Windhoek opened February 24, 1984, with William H. Twaddell as Director and closed February 15, 1985. During this time the following officers served as Director: Dennis Whyte Keogh (March-April 1984), Howard Jeter (April-May 1984), and William L. Jacobsen, Jr. (May 1984-February 1985).

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