United States Ambassador to Ireland edito da Betascript Publishing

United States Ambassador to Ireland





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Descrizione United States Ambassador to Ireland

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! There have been a total of 30 Ambassadors of the United States to Ireland meaning the Republic of Ireland. All except one, Frederick A. Sterling, have been non-career appointees, while there were three under President George W. Bush.W.W. McDowell (b.?-9 April 1934) was the "Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary" of the United States to the Irish Free State. He was appointed on 15 January 1934 and presented his credentials in Dublin on 27 March 1934. However, what is most notable about his tenure as Minister to the Irish Free State was its brevity and unfortunate end. Mr McDowell died in his post on 9 April 1934, less than a month after he formally took up his post.

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