Union Chapel, Brighton edito da Betascript Publishing

Union Chapel, Brighton





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Descrizione Union Chapel, Brighton

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. The Union Chapel, also known as the Union Street Chapel, Elim Free Church, Four Square Gospel Tabernacle or Elim Tabernacle of the Four Square Gospel, is a former chapel in the centre of Brighton, a constituent part of the city of Brighton and Hove, England. After three centuries of religious use by various congregations, the chapel-which had been Brighton's first Nonconformist place of worship-passed into secular use in 1988 when it was converted into a public house. It was redesigned in 1825, at the height of Brighton's Georgian building boom, by at least one of the members of the Wilds-Busby architectural partnership, Brighton's pre-eminent designers and builders of the era, but may retain some 17th century parts. It has been listed at Grade II in view of its architectural importance.

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