Unholy Bonds di Watkins T.S. Watkins edito da Archway Publishing
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Unholy Bonds





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Descrizione Unholy Bonds

Dusty Rivers is a self-professed introvert attending college in Arizona. When she is invited to a frat party, things quickly go from bad to worse when she is groped by a drunk party-goer. After she escapes into the night and becomes lost, she encounters Liam Cross, a tall stranger who offers to escort her back to the party. Turns out, he is a twenty-five-year-old substitute professor with a seemingly odd mission of saving her from one disastrous event after another. After he asks her out on a date, Dusty is led down an uncertain path as a chain of events unfolds that lead her to question who she is and why she was born. Soon after mysterious urges take her to places she should never be, shapeshifters claim her as their own. As a bloody war evolves, Dusty must learn to fight as she is snared into a world of unholy bonds. Seemingly trapped by her own desires in a supernatural standoff, now it is up to Dusty to summon the strength from within to decide what she truly needs. Unholy Bonds is the story of a college student's journey after she becomes unwittingly immersed in revolving triangles of romance with dark creatures of the night.

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