The Unexpected di Emily Oster, Dr Nathan Fox edito da Profile Books Ltd
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The Unexpected

Navigating Pregnancy During And After Complications





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Descrizione The Unexpected

Navigate the unexpected in pregnancy with the New York Times bestselling author of CRIBSHEETHalf of us might experience complications during pregnancy. Conditions such as pre-term birth, pre-eclampsia, miscarriage and postpartum depression can be isolating. What's the best approach to take when you're faced with uncertainty? In the years since she launched her data-driven approach to parenting, Emily Oster kept hearing questions from readers about dealing with pregnancy after complications. Offering parents the clarity they need, Oster provides practical advice and insight alongside foetal medicine specialist Dr Nathan Fox, as well as with data on recurrence and treatments shown to lower risk. Laying out the road map for a better birthing process, THE UNEXPECTED promises to make the hardest parts of pregnancy that little bit easier.

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