Underway di Eric Atno edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Good Times in Uncle Sam's Canoe Club





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Descrizione Underway

My name is Eric Atno. I live in San Diego, California. I was in the U.S. Navy/Naval Reserves for twenty-six years. I achieved the rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer. By definition I am a subject matter expert. Most of my time was spent at sea or underway. It is a lifestyle that most normal people find hard to understand. My book is a sailor's eye view in to this strange and unnatural existence. I was a prolific writer while I was underway and overseas. I was told many times that I should write a book. I finally decided to do just that. The process has taken me a few years. I write exactly how I speak. I am real. My story is real (mostly). I take the reader on a twenty-six-year odyssey around the world and back in peace and at war. I take you places that are comical and tragic. It's not just a collection of sea stories. Any retired swab jockey can do that. There are plenty of books out there about the Navy, tactics and warfare. The difference between me and the great Mr. Tom Clancy is that I actually did this stuff. This story is told through a third person or alter-ego which allows me some deniability and freedom to share my stories. I thank you, most humbly, for your time. Enjoy!

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