Understanding Your Husband di Fredrick Ezeji-Okoye edito da CARPENTERS SON PUB
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Understanding Your Husband





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In Understanding Your Husband, author Brother Frederick Ezeji-Okoye takes on the difficult job of explaining a key principle to a strong, godly marriage-the partnership between the wife and the husband. Brother Ezeji-Okoye provides clarity and guidance to the role of the wife as helper, submitting to the husband's headship. With scripture, personal experience, and examples in daily life, the author shows the strength and virtue in the unity of wife and husband, each embracing their different role as ordained by God. The author makes clear that submitting to her husband does not mean she is inferior or a secondary person, but instead, she is a co-laborer who is equal but with a role different than that of her husband. In his popular book, Not without a Head, the author discusses the role of the man in marriage and how embracing his headship role-the leader of the family-creates strong, virtuous marriages. As a companion book, Understanding Your Husband finishes the picture of a stable, godly marriage based on a deep, truthful understanding for the woman's role as well. Two become one in their roles, as God designed.

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