Understanding Statistics Using R di Randall Schumacker, Sara Tomek edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Understanding Statistics Using R

Simulation and Theory





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This book was written to provide resource materials for teachers to use in their introductory or intermediate statistics class. The chapter content is ordered along the lines of many popular statistics books so it should be easy to supplement the content and exercises with class lecture materials. The book contains R script programs to demonstrate important topics and concepts covered in a statistics course, including probability, random sampling, population distribution types, role of the Central Limit Theorem, creation of sampling distributions for statistics, and more. The chapters contain T/F quizzes to test basic knowledge of the topics covered. In addition, the book chapters contain numerous exercises with answers or solutions to the exercises provided. The chapter exercises reinforce an understanding of the statistical concepts presented in the chapters. An instructor can select any of the supplemental materials to enhance lectures and/or provide additional coverage of concepts and topics in their statistics book.

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