Understanding Faculty Productivity di Middaugh edito da John Wiley & Sons
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Understanding Faculty Productivity

Standards And Benchmarks For Colleges And Universities





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Descrizione Understanding Faculty Productivity

Defining and measuring faculty productivity are among the most central issues for quality and accountability in higher education. Known for assembling some of the most authoritative research on faculty productivity--and for analyzing its impact on academic and institutional accountability--Michael F. Middaugh presents this comprehensive volume to help campus professionals build greater accountability for students, parents, foundations, governmental organizations, and other concerned constituents. He first draws from a research study funded by TIAA-CREF's Cooperative Research Grant Program and the Fund for Postsecondary Education within the U.S. Department of Education. He then provides a new framework for analyzing faculty efficiency and emphasizes how the results of faculty work can become the best indicators of productivity. He also applies the joint study findings to the task of developing benchmarks for faculty productivity. Practitioners from any type of campus will find a rich array of data, valuable recommAndations, and relevant examples.

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