Understanding Culture in Disaster Response:   The Case of Haiti di Sara Jeanette Gunn edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Understanding Culture in Disaster Response: The Case of Haiti

Earthquake Relief in Haiti





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Descrizione Understanding Culture in Disaster Response: The Case of Haiti

The purpose of this research is to assess the significance of natural disasters and their effects on culture and communication, particularly in the case of the January 12th, 2010 earthquake in Haiti. It informs the reader about the importance of communication and coordination between local populace and humanitarian aid actors. To facilitate comprehension of these complex interactions, an analysis of Haitian culture and western culture are outlined and compared. The thesis suggests that understanding culture and sharing knowledge improves aid coordination, better meets the needs of the locals, and ultimately provides an integrated cooperative environment for effective disaster response. Additionally, the thesis aims to identify technologies and tools for communication, strategies for improving cultural understanding, and general lessons learned in the humanitarian field. As a country with underdeveloped infrastructure and communication systems, Haiti is even more vulnerable to natural disasters. The complexity of this Haitian earthquake disaster is relevant to international relations and topics within the field of international humanitarian relief.

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