Understanding Cities di Alexander R. Cuthbert edito da Taylor & Francis Ltd
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Understanding Cities

Method in Urban Design





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Descrizione Understanding Cities

Understanding Cities is richly textured, complex and challenging. It creates the vital link between urban design theory and praxis and opens the required methodological gateway to a new and unified field of urban design. For too long urban design has been viewed as a satellite of architecture and urban planning, occupying a no man 's land which has prevented its rightful independence. Alexander Cuthbert sets out to challenge this assumption. Using spatial political economy as his most important reference point, Cuthbert both interrogates and challenges mainstream urban design and provides an alternative and viable comprehensive framework for a new synthesis. By implication, this critique ranges across all the environmental disciplines which are undeniably involved in the intellectual debate which this process of reconstruction entails. Building on both his previous books Designing Cities and The Form of Cities, the trilogy allows a new field of urban design to emerge.

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