Two Steps Ahead: Uncover What People Really Mean di Col Sudip Mukerjee edito da HARPERCOLLINS 360
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Two Steps Ahead: Uncover What People Really Mean





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Descrizione Two Steps Ahead: Uncover What People Really Mean

In this pathbreaking book about deciphering human thoughts through the language people use, Behaviour Analyst Col Sudip Mukerjee reveals the insights as to why we do what we do.The 5 step 'secret decoding system' detailed in this book has been used extensively by Sudip and all those who have learnt from him and experienced it first hand in individual sessions. This is unlike any other concept that you may have read earlier - these are battle hardened tactics that work - every time!When you use these principles, you will rapidly and dramatically unearth the unsaid and negotiate from a position of strength, know exactly what the people you are dealing with want, and using the language that works, get what you want - simply, easily, at a blink of an eye.

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