Two-Legged Medicine di M. Ed Lcpc Robyn Bridges edito da Balboa Press
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Two-Legged Medicine

How to Be Your Own Brilliant Therapist


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Two-Legged Medicine

So often clients have come to me unsure of how therapy?or healing?really works. They want both an overview and specific ways to find what they seek. They are asking, in effect, for a roadmap to guide them. Two-Legged Medicine: How to Be Your Own Brilliant Therapist offers such a template, full of life-enhancing healing systems, many of which you can use on your own. These techniques provide the path of direct experience, designed to engage your body, mind, and spirit. Both contemporary and ancient self-directed teachings described here will help you recognize and heal wounds from the arc of childhood through adulthood. You?ll discover which of the five stages of your own hero?s/heroine?s journey you are currently traversing. You?ll absorb insightful and practical ways to understand the power of your childhood, recover from abuse, transform codependence to inter-dependence, create vital relationships, and develop a deep friendship with your own sense of spirit. Whether you are new to your path or a seasoned traveler, welcome to an enhanced perspective, where your psyche will relax and your soul will open to the magnitude of healing. You can truly be your own brilliant therapist. Here?s to discovering how rich your journey can be. ?Robyn Bridges, a gifted body-mind-spirit therapist, offers us a comprehensive, unique, and wise insight into the human condition. This compilation of visionary philosophy and practical tools is a must-read for both professional health care providers and anyone looking to live in consciousness. To read this book is to enter into a healing journey and exit transformed.? ?Dr. Holcomb Johnston, Naturopath

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