Two by Each di Clement R. Beaulieu edito da Stillwater River Publications
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Two by Each





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Descrizione Two by Each

An incident in the waterfront district of New Bedford presents two possible scenarios. Each one poses different dilemmas to the retiring detective, Joseph Barrett. He is challenged to solve this mystery before hanging up his shield. FBI Agent William Normandin, a prior member of the New Bedford Police Force, solicits the assistance of Chief Inspector Daniel O'Malley. Both have had past connections with the victim, Lieutenant Mortimer Weigand. Claude Lepage served as the trusted chauffeur of Mr. Weigand. As the investigation proceeds some of his personal habits begin to suggest that he may know more than he is revealing about the incident. In the final days prior to retirement, Detective Joseph Barrett starts putting together one of the scenarios that gives some credence to the mysterious incident.

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