Twisted Taters di Steve DuBridge edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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Twisted Taters

Straight Talk For The Sweet Potato Carver, Crafter & Hobbyist





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Descrizione Twisted Taters

A re you a carver looking for a fun new carving experience-with a twist? Whether you are new to sweet potato carving or an experienced artist looking to master new techniques, Twisted Taters is your invitation to fun and satisfying crafting. Yam carving is fun and easy-and it just got better. Steve DuBridge takes this art form to a new level. Using detailed, step-by-step guidance, he takes you through four projects, providing tips, pointers, and insight along the way. He also includes an extensive gallery that can be used as a springboard for your next carving adventure! For years, carvers have had to accept the frustration of seeing their creations turn moldy and decay. With the Twisted Taters method, this is no longer the case. Your creation dries in just a few days, developing marvelous texture and twisted features that are strangely human. With the tips and techniques offered here, you can take this fun and easy hobby to a new level!

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