Twelfth Night: Shakespeare for the Modern Reader di John Burfeind, William Shakespeare edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Twelfth Night: Shakespeare for the Modern Reader

Shakespeare for the Modern Reader







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Descrizione Twelfth Night: Shakespeare for the Modern Reader

SHAKESPEARE FOR THE MODERN READER Presented by John Burfeind Twelfth Night is a riotous romp on the sun-drenched shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Beautiful Olivia, plucky Viola, and maudlin Orsino clumsily romance one another, while steering clear of the inebriated prankster Sir Toby Belch and his idiotic comrade-in-arms Sir Andrew Aguecheek. When Viola's twin brother unexpectedly shows up in the midst of one of Sir Toby's booze-fueled practical jokes, confusion and laughs abound! Familiarity with the plays of William Shakespeare has long been a sign of cultural literacy. For centuries, refined readers and theatergoers worldwide have savored the beauty of his poetry and drama. For the first time in 400 years, the meaning of his plays is accessible to the general public in Shakespeare For The Modern Reader. This unique new presentation allows the reader to enjoy a Shakespearean play in its original language with complete comprehension. Grab this book, set aside a few hours on a weekend, and have a wonderful time with the greatest writer in history!

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