The Turn Of The Screw & Shadows Against The Dark di James Henry James, Poe Edgar Allan Poe edito da CSRC Storytelling
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The Turn Of The Screw & Shadows Against The Dark

Collected Tales Of Horror





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Descrizione The Turn Of The Screw & Shadows Against The Dark

Two terrifying books bound together in one striking tête-bêche volume: a brand new anthology of morbid, macabre and mysterious masterworks, Shadows Against the Dark: Collected Tales of Horror, is paired with Henry James's definitive Gothic classic The Turn of the Screw. A stranger in a rowboat approaches a schooner in the blackness of night to beg for food. The residents of a secluded town whisper stories about a headless horseman. A poor Hawaiian is convinced to purchase a bottle that contains a being powerful enough to grant any wish. These unsettling stories and more are compiled together for the first time in Shadows Against the Dark: Collected Tales of Horror, edited and with an introduction by C.S.R. Calloway. A governess, her two child charges, and a house haunted by memories and-perhaps-something much more malevolent. The story has been retold countless times, but never as effectively as in its original form. The Turn of the Screw remains frightening over a century after its initial publication, expertly crafted to create fear in what is explicitly on the page and what is left untold. DOUBLE BOOKED®: Shadows Against the Dark: Collected Tales of Horror / The Turn of the Screw combines renowned authors Algernon Blackwood, William Hope Hodgson, Washington Irving, W. W. Jacobs, Henry James, Edgar Allan Poe, and Robert Louis Stevenson together in one stylish "reversible" paperback.

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