Turkey And The Eu In An Energy Security Society di Dicle Korkmaz edito da Springer Nature Switzerland Ag
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Turkey And The Eu In An Energy Security Society

The Case Of Natural Gas





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Descrizione Turkey And The Eu In An Energy Security Society

This book explores Turkey-EU relations in the context of natural gas. Utilising the English School theory and narrative policy analysis, the author examines EU narratives on Turkey¿s role in European energy security in the sphere of natural gas, as well as narratives of Turkish actors on natural gas pipelines and the liberalisation of the natural gas market. The book discusses the extent to which the positions held by Turkish actors on natural gas and energy security constrain and/or enable its integration with the EU. Accordingly, it compares the narratives of the EU and Turkish actors to ascertain how references to the content and scope of the integration varied between January 2001 and July 2019. In the context of this book, "integration¿ does not necessarily mean Turkey¿s full membership in the EU. Rather, it refers to different types of relations, which are classified as energy security societies.

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