Truth Bird Five di David Velde edito da Page Publishing, Inc
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Truth Bird Five





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Descrizione Truth Bird Five

There was trouble brewing on Amazonia. Amazonia, a planet inhabited by women that live under the rule of their dictator queen, Joan, had DNA samples taken from David and Jenny when they visited earlier that year in an attempt to clone Jenny. Their scientist, appalled with the queen's request, produced their natural son instead and took him into hiding when he was born. Joan, outraged by the betrayal, unsuccessfully turned Amazonia upside down, looking for the insubordinates. Meanwhile, Amazonia's great warrior, Demerra-who was part of a resistance force planning to overthrow the queen-traveled all the way to earth, looking for Justin to inform him of the latest developments and to notify David and Jenny of their newborn son. Once David found out, he contacted Giorgio, who became furious after hearing the news. Sam, David, and Justin, along with Giorgio and all the aliens, head back to Amazonia to bring the boy home and to settle the score with the renegade queen once and for all. When they arrive on Amazonia, the Queen's forces were on an all-out offensive against the resistant forces and were closing in on the boy's whereabouts. The Truth Bird makes a daring trip to CNN studios to face off with his arch nemesis, Rudy Giuliani, on primetime live with Chris Cuomo over the mounting evidence of corruption and criminal behavior surrounding the Trump administration.

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