True Civility di Louisa Akaiso and Maureen Ajudua edito da Page Publishing Inc
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True Civility





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Descrizione True Civility

True Civility explores civility practices in different contexts and diverse environmental terrains. So long as society and environment continue in their roles as fundamental variables in qualifying the act of civility, the ability to adapt our practices to these surroundings we find ourselves in remain paramount irrespective of culture, race, sex, or belief. If the divergent environments we operate in are ignored, practicing civility will become challenging, leading to an ultimate loss of purpose. Unless this is thoroughly understood, the backlash on civility issues will continue because what may be considered as civil behavior in one environment may easily be considered as uncivil in some. The authors of True Civility advocate that the prerequisite to understanding what civility involves is certainly a practical one. One that entails we understudy civility in a natural nonstatic setting, where we experience real-life scenarios in varying context, thus eliminating social constructionism on how the society perceives and practices civility. To remain effective, the authors recommend the practice of civility be observed continually through a multidimensional lens, staying flexible to adjustments and tolerant to differences. The authors finally conclude that civility goes beyond being a dynamic construct that changes constantly to adapt to the society and environment. Civility is undeniably a living practice.

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