Troubles di J. G. Farrell edito da CSA Word



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Descrizione Troubles

"Troubles" is the riveting story of Major Brendan Archer, who travels to Ireland to meet his fiancee, Angela, in 1919. They have met only once before, a few years earlier in Brighton, and have conducted a long-distance relationship ever since. Within a few days of his arrival in Kilnalough, however, Angela dies of Leukaemia. But the old, dilapidated hotel her father owns -- plus a local woman, Sarah -- cast a certain spell over Major Archer. He decides to stay on at The Majestic Hotel, surrounded by old ladies, various animals, and the eccentric and fervently Protestant owner of the hotel, Edward Spencer. Meanwhile, another Ireland is rising up outside -- "troubles" of both the political and social kind are about to rear their heads.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 27.80

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