Trouble in Timberline di Max Brand edito da Brilliance Corporation

Trouble in Timberline





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Descrizione Trouble in Timberline

Barney Dwyer was a powerful and good-natured young cowpuncher. Unfortunately, his hands were so strong that he broke almost every farm tool he touched. Finally his hot-tempered ranch-owning boss, Dan Peary, lost his patience and fired him, paying Barney off with a mustang so wild that even professional horsebreakers couldn't ride it.Barney was told to collect the remaining few dollars of his wages from Peary's son, Len, who had joined a tough gang of gunslingers in the mountain town of Timberline. Almost from the first hour, Barney made enemies in Timberline. Soon, violent confrontations send Barney on a long bloody trail, pursued by a trigger-happy pack of enemies.

Fuori catalogo - Non ordinabile
€ 18.50

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