The Tribulations Of Miss Glass di Philip Lovel edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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The Tribulations Of Miss Glass





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Descrizione The Tribulations Of Miss Glass

Great Malvern sleeps peacefully beneath the quiet splendour of the hills and next to the comforting presence of Malvern Priory. But this apparent serenity is suddenly broken by the disappearance of a local headmistress in mysterious circumstances, leaving local police struggling to find a reason. However, a potential suspect emerges. Will this get them any nearer to the truth about what really happened on that wet June evening in 1920? Then an elderly woman is battered to death in her home, once more leaving Malvern's police baffled as to the motive. Subsequently, other incidents take place in the town and questions arise, are these events linked? And what of the missing headmistress? Police are left chasing their tails as desperation for answers mounts, whilst hovering over them is the ultimate humiliation of Scotland Yard being called in to take over the investigation. Detective Chief Inspector Martin and Detective Inspector Carlsen become involved in a race against time.

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