The Travel Bible for Rookies di Gilles Kröger edito da
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The Travel Bible for Rookies

The travel handbook with tips how to travel like a professional






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Descrizione The Travel Bible for Rookies

Do you dream about traveling the world? Travel can be an incredibly rewarding and exciting experience, but it can also be extremely scary, especially if you have never traveled before. Perhaps you are trying to plan your first travel trip ever with friends, and you're unsure of where to get started. Or maybe you are contemplating committing to your first solo-travel trip, and you're worried that you don't know everything you need to before you set off. Don't worry. Those fears and concerns can be eradicated, just by reading this book! The Travel Bible for Rookies is the perfect book for anyone planning their first-ever major travel and hoping to make it as easy as possible. As someone who has traveled a lot myself, I've made many mistakes along the way, but I've used the experience I gained to write this book and help you avoid those same mistakes on your journey! With the knowledge provided in this guide, you will be able to focus all of your energy on the fun and exciting aspects of your trip, rather than spending all your time worrying and fretting. Inside The Travel Bible for Rookies, discover: ¿ How to start and plan your journey ¿ How to calculate your budget ¿ How to find the simplest way to get from one area to another ¿ How to pick the right transport for each continent Grab a copy of The Travel Bible for Rookies today!

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